Do this and feel better :)

As I wrap up my free course, I'm reminded of the real purpose of art - to heal. 

It really is as simple as that. I'm going to paraphrase something I once heard Bruce Springsteen say, because I can't find the exact quote. He was talking about his music and he said that he writes it to heal something in himself, and that hopefully it also heals something in us when we listen.

It's easy to get caught up in things like sales and social media comments and prizes, but none of that matters much when compared to the healing power of making art.

For year now, art has been my best friend. It's always there when I need it. Sometimes I need to fling paint around and deliberately make something ugly, as a way of expressing dark feelings. Other times, I enjoy sitting quietly painting colour swatches, or making a drawing of a tree. If I listen, my soul knows what it needs. 

I don't think I have ever gone to my studio and regretted it. There's not one moment wasted when I make my art because it always eases, or clarifies, or enriches.

In my teaching, I help people who can't yet access this aspect of art. They've become tangled up in ideas or beliefs that have blocked access to the pure joy of making something. They get stressed about their art or they stop doing it altogether. And then they come do my free course, and they remember how it felt to be a child simply playing with paint to find out what might happen.

It's a magical gift to be able to give, because now they also have a best friend, who will always be there to give them whatever they need :)

It's finally here! I love this time of year so much as we welcome new students into the experience of a lifetime :)

I'm not making a sales pitch, because if it's right for you, you will know. You will have been looking for something to move you forward in your art practice, and you will have become tired of courses that simply show you how to paint like the teacher. So if that's you, here's the link to learn more.

You have until September 12th to join.


Can we just focus on art please?


My #1 Tip for All Artists