How to be an Artist #7 - Georgina Noel

This month I'm doing something a little bit different. Georgina Noel isn't an artist. She's a mindset and life transformation coach with special expertise in EFT.Georgina has coached numerous artists (including myself) and has some unique insights on the creative process. Among other things, we talked about:

  • How your thoughts create your reality
  • How the law of attraction works
  • How to shift your mindset around selling your work
  • How to climb out of a creative funk
  • And much more

There's also a bonus sausage dog moment right at the end, so don't miss that!If you're interested in learning more about shifting your mindset about selling your art, Georgina has a free 3-day money mindset program which you can access here.She also has a great Facebook group which is free to join, so pop over and show her some love :)If any of this mindset stuff resonates with you, be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you can be the first to know when I launch the next version of the Find Your Joy course. We'll soon shift all that negative stuff!


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How to turn "Compare & Despair" into Powerful Inspiration