How to be an Artist: Episode One - Pauline Jans

This is the first in a series of video interviews I'm conducting with artists all over the world. I want to understand what makes them tick, how they approach their work and what advice they have for the rest of us.My first guest is Pauline Jans who is an abstract painter living and working in the beautiful wine country of British Columbia in Canada and I know you'll find her an inspiration. She not only makes gorgeous work but she is also creative and proactive about getting it out into the world.We talked about how she became an artist, her painting process, and how she markets her work. Along the way Pauline revealed why she sees herself as her own biggest challenge, how she finds freedom in her work, and how she develops her paintings using intuition. You can find Pauline and see her beautiful work at: Next month's episode will feature Karen Stamper, who is a wonderful painter, collage artist and sketchbooker, so stay tuned!  If you are an artist interested in meeting and learning from other artists in a supportive environment, you can join my private Facebook group by clicking here.


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