How to be an Artist: Patty Ripley

This month's interview is with Patty Ripley, who paints beautifully luscious abstract paintings based on her life and on the nature that she loves. You can see more of her gorgeous work on her website or on Instagram.Patty and I discussed her work and her process, but we also talked a lot about mindset and how it affects our art-making.Among the topics we discussed are:

  • The process of painting intuitively
  • How Patty abstracts nature and life experiences
  • How she shifted her mindset and began to call herself an artist
  • Why this is a fabulous time to be a female artist
  • The importance of self-care and self-acceptance

I hope you enjoy watching the interview as much as I enjoyed recording it.Thanks so much Patty!


The Place Where Souls Are Born


My Artist’s Journey – Turns Out it’s All Been About One Thing