Is it time for a change?
I love layering paint and mixed media. I love building up textures, And I love the happy surprises that come when I create something I couldn't have planned. My own particular process of layering is something I've developed over time and in some ways it has served me well.
But lately I've been wondering if it's time for a change. I've been wondering if there are ways of working that might suit me better. And that got me wondering... when do we know that it's time for a change?
When are we simply doing what feels good because it's right for us, and when are we sticking with something just because it's comfortable, or because we haven't bothered to explore other options?
This all started when I posted this photo on Instagram:
I was showing how sometimes I really love my early layers, and yet cover them up because I feel I haven't pushed things far enough.
The photo got an amazing reaction - much stronger than most things I posted. And it doesn't really surprise me because I remember the complete freedom and joy I felt when I started these two paintings. I firmly believe that your feelings transfer themselves onto canvas, so if you're tight and tense, your paintings will be too. If you're excited and free, others will feel that way when they look at the work.
Last week a similar thing happened. I covered a half-finished painting completely. I worked quickly and fiercely, with very little thought. I was totally in my body, energised and dancing to music as I painted, Two hours flew by and when I stepped back, I loved what had happened. And yet some part of me felt it couldn't be finished. Surely you can't make a painting in two hours?
I shared that painting in this newsletter last week and again the response was amazing.
Here it is if you missed it:
Now I don't advocate for making art to please others, but the truth is that I feel the same excitement and energy when I look at the pieces above. There is something in this for me.
And it makes sense right? Our art reflects who we are. We can't get away from that. I am a person who makes excellent decisions when I trust my gut, and I usually mess up when I think too much. So why wouldn't the same be true in my art?
And this got me thinking... does my process need to change? What might I do differently?
I'm not looking for suggestions - the answer has to come from me. But I'm sharing this in case it prompts something in you ... are there parts of your art-making (or your life) that need a shake-up? Tings that worked for you once, but don't serve you as well now?
I think we can all benefit from asking ourselves this question once in a while.