View From Your Studio - Karen Stamper

Karen Stamper is an artist based in Cambridgeshire UK. She draws, collages and paints. Her work celebrates the worn surfaces and structures of the urban shoreline: boats, harbours, decorative motifs and lettering .Karen will be  my guest for episode 2 of 'How to be an Artist' interview series at the end of this month, - don't miss it!She has had her garden studio for 12 years and says:

It came - with some men to put it together - about 12 years ago. I adapted the doors and skylights, and insulated it. Friends helped flatten the garden, lay slabs, run electricity, add guttering, insulate it and paint it inside and out. Before I moved in we had a little salsa party in there - there was room to dance. Not now!
It is a special place. It doesn't have water  but the kitchen is not far away. In the winter time I put the heater on 30 minutes before I go in. I have my paper overalls ( so light and so warm) and big boots. All my papers and equipment are at hands reach.
The best bit? I can blast the stereo up! I also have yoga ropes hanging on the back i can hang upside down!  When I have done and the light is fading, my partner Richard goes in there to practice his sax. (He only needs standing space and doesn't touch anything.)
Before I got the studio, I worked in a small bedroom in the house. There was a constant paper trail around the house and I didn't have any space to stand back or hang anything. Also, there are distraction when you work in the house (e.g. you walk up the stairs and see the laundry waiting!)
Everyone needs a shed/studio/cave/space. I love mine!!!

Check out Karen's beautiful work as well as the courses she runs on her website at  


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