When You Don't Have a Studio

Francesca Beddows would love to submit photos for a 'View from Your Studio' post but unfortunately, she doesn't have a studio just yet. Instead, like many of you, she squeezes her art-making into the rooms of her home, balancing the need to create with the need to keep some space for the family!

I've seen a few pictures of some lovely work spaces. I wanted to share my non work space, just to encourage folk, who may think you need a set room or space to create. I know it probably helps infinitely, but it can be done on your living room floor, or table. Bit if a pain getting it out and putting away, but worth it. I live in Bolton, not far from the beautifully scenic Horwich.. I get inspired by the nature around me. I love it. My work space is, the dining table, covered with a paint-filled shower curtain and towel, to soak up spills, when I'm dripping paints..My acrylic paints are stored in an old cardboard box, that I move around the front room, as there is never any place for it. I have a tiny easel that I sometimes use, but I mainly paint at the table, or on my lap.. I do get all my stuff out, to paint, and then put it all away again, every day. My main materials are acrylics, I also use pastels, watercolour and chalk. Depends on what I am painting. I personally don't feel limited, but I know I am, as I can't throw paints around like I'd like to, because of annoying things like husbands and furniture...but I'd rather this than nothing. If it's in you, you can create anywhere.

I love the last part of Francesca's email. "If it's in you, you can create anywhere."It's a reminder that we can place all kinds of constraints on ourselves, but none of them have to be real. If you have your own studio space, are there other excuses you make for not creating? If so, dig into them and see if they are really true. And if you are lucky enough to have your own space as I do, luxuriate in it. Appreciate it. Think about Francesca, spreading out her paints on the floor just so she can get a little bit of painting in, and be thankful that you have your beautiful space (and get in there and use it!!)


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