Louise Fletcher Art

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Why you can't just 'have a go' at abstract painting ...

Often I see comments in my Facebook group from people who have tried to paint an abstract painting. Usually they say something like: "I had a go at abstract, but I don't think it worked."

No. It wouldn't. Because that's a bit like saying: "I had a go at heart surgery but I don't think it worked."

(Although obviously less life and death than that!)

Painting an abstract painting takes real skill. It takes knowledge of colour and design and tonal contrasts and how to create interest. But more than that, it takes a really clear idea of what you want to say.

An abstract painting cannot be about nothing. That doesn't mean you have to have a clear intention when you start. Some artists are exploring an idea in their work (my paintings are currently all about the landscape as seen by a particular poet) but many artists begin with no intention in mind other than to explore their intuition. However, at some point, a decision is made .... "this painting is about the colour blue" or "this painting is about the way that line sits against that large shape."

This has to happen. You have to know what you want the viewer to notice. You have to guide her - and you can't do that if you have no idea yourself.

This is why it never works when an artist 'has a go' at abstract. I know because I did it myself a few years ago. I tried to paint abstract landscapes without ever digging into what I was trying to say or why.

That meant I just kept creating disappointing paintings that said nothing and had no real appeal. How can another person connect with a painting that didn't mean anything to the artist?

In 2018, I was lucky enough to find Nicholas Wilton and his CVP program. Nick teaches artists how to find their way. He helps them decide what they want to say and he teaches the principles of colour and design and value contrasts that enable them to get that message across. His course changed my life (see my video review and clear evidence of that here).

He will be providing 10 days of free teaching starting on February 14th and I will be running a free Facebook group to guide students through the 10 days and make sure you get the most out of it. If you want to join me, sign up here to be notified by email.

The truth is that anyone can 'have a go' at abstract, but the result will always be disappointing without a grasp of some easy-to-understand but super-powerful principles. It is these principles that Nick shares for free. Don't miss out!