Art Juice Ep 16: Creating Your Magic Circle


Did you know that who you surround yourself with makes a huge difference to your life? 

“You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with,” is most often attributed to motivational speaker Jim Rohn, but science backs him up.

What this means is that if your friends are obese, you are much more likely to also be obese. If your friends drink too much, chances are you will too.

But how does this impact our art-making? We discuss the importance of having supportive people in our lives and we share some of the ways we have done this for ourselves. We also share our thoughts on minimizing the psychological impact of negative comments as these can derail us if we are not careful. In the end, it comes down to choosing who or what will influence our mindset and making conscious moves to ensure we stay in a good place.

We also talk studio clear-outs and what we have learned about launching a course online (even though it's not our course!)

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Tara Leaver

Gary Vaynerchuck

Maz Hawes blog post

Nicholas Wilton


Study on social influence

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"Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod (

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