
to the patternicity private view

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I wish I could hand you a glass of wine and chat in person.

But since that’s not possible at the moment, I thought this would be the next best thing.



If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to share a little bit about the paintings in a short video.

However, if you would prefer to go right to the gallery, you can do that by clicking the button below.


 I love that these paintings weren’t planned

They began as experimentation in sketchbooks, but as those sketchbook pages developed and evolved, I realised that something was happening. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I knew I simply had to follow my instincts and keep working. The result is a series of 16 paintings that tell a story of the past 12 months.

They are deeply personal but, I hope, also universal

About The Series

This is my most personal work to date. “Patternicity” is a collection of acrylic and mixed media paintings inspired by the patterns of our daily lives that were disrupted with the pandemic.

Some sought safety in the human tendency to see patterns where none exist. But for me, the pandemic is a reminder that control is always an illusion and life is incredibly precious.

In these paintings, organic brush strokes and uncontrolled marks disrupt structured patterns. Layers of half-hidden text suggest a meaning that never quite materialises. And a primarily cool colour palette is interrupted with pops of vibrant warm colour.


Despite the pandemic, this series is a celebration of life. The paintings burst with life and energy and joy.

I hope each one is a reminder that life is precious and fleeting and that we are so fortunate to be here.

If you have a question,

send me your message here.

I’ll get back to you asap

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