Are we too old?

I just finished recording a class for my Art Tribe community. It's all about the beliefs that hold us back - and whoever we are, and however successful we've been, we have beliefs that hold us back. Everyone does.

Mostly, though, we don't see them as beliefs - we see them as statements of fact. We see them as 'just the way things are.'

But they are just beliefs and this class will break it all down, so if you're a member, I promise your mind is about to be BLOWN!

One of the most common beliefs I see come up is "I am too old."

The contexts are different - it could be "I am too old to make a career at this" or "I am too old to change my art style" or "I am too old to travel for a workshop" or "I am too old to learn how to make a website."

You can insert your own "I'm too old for..." because I know you have one.

Personally, I just embarked on a project that feels very challenging. I have bought a property that I hope to use for workshops and retreats. It needs work before that will be possible and I've just made a start on that work. Normally, my idea of physical labour is pacing around my studio as I paint, but this new project is demanding much more of me. Today I got up at 7:30am and drove 2 hours to the new place. I then helped unload a van full of furniture; helped to clear the house of junk that had been left, and used a steam cleaner to clean carpets and two sofas that the previous owner had left. I worked hard from noon until 7:30pm when we left.

Thankfully, I didn't have to do the driving on the way back because I couldn't have managed that as well. When I got home, I went straight to bed and slept deeply.

I am working on this property with a friend and his son. The few builders in the area are fully booked. so I am fortunate that they have agreed to be my "crew." The son is 17 and he is so full of energy. He goes and goes with no need for rest. As I am realising that my joints are stiffening and my lower back hurts, he is asking 'what's next?'

His stamina amazes me - was I ever like that?

And yet, the day felt great. My tiredness comes from hard work - the kind that is satisfying at a bone deep level. We have made a difference already and that feels good. 

Part of me has been wondering if I am too old for this. Why not just potter about at home, comfortable in my routine? It would have been very easy to use my age as an excuse and make that decision. But also I think very foolish. Of course, we all get old and we all get less able with age. I will never be able to work like a 17 year-old again ... but I do think we can accelerate that aging process by slowing down too much.

If we believe we're too old, we start acting like we're too old. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

I believe it's better to believe we're never too old until we're dead. Then - I will concede - it might be too late for whatever you want to do!

So, if there's something you've been avoiding because of your age, I am asking you to reconsider. Are you really too old to change you art style or go halfway across the world on holiday or make yourself a website? Or are you just giving yourself an excuse?


A question to ask when we get stuck