Are you in a creative rut?

Have you ever felt like you’re in a creative rut? Maybe your art feels fine, but not exciting—or perhaps you feel like you’re just going through the motions. We’ve all been there. We want to make something exciting, but as soon as we get into our studios, habit takes over and we wind up doing the same old same old. the But here’s what works for me every time ... simply changing things up. 

Creativity thrives when we step out of our comfort zones, even in small ways. This is why I find it helpful to just try something new. Whether that's a fresh color palette, a forgotten art tool, or an entirely new method—switching things up can spark exciting new ideas.

I was reminded of this recently when I started to work with ink and soft pastels. These are two mediums that I generally don't use. My preferred medium is paint, sometimes combined with collage, and my usual substrate is wood panel. But when I decided to use ink, I also switched to paper for a change. This switch brought new energy and excitement into my process.

I can't fall back on old tricks or slip into comfortable ruts when I work this way. I am not particularly proficient with either medium, which means I am learning each time I go into my studio. This is so refreshing and each piece sparks new questions and challenges, so that I am eager to get back and make more work.

If you could use some of this same feeling, here are three simple ways to experiment and bring new energy into your work this week:

Reach for Forgotten Materials

You know that set of watercolors you bought forever ago? Or the colored pencils that haven’t seen the light of day in years? Dig them out! Using materials you don’t usually work with forces you to think differently about how you create.

Challenge: Use a tool or medium you’ve had hidden at the back of a drawer. It doesn’t have to be perfect—it just has to be fun.

Embrace a Bold New Color Palette

Step away from your go-to shades and try something that feels unexpected. Work with only warm tones like oranges, reds, and yellows—or explore a mix of earthy neutrals and bold pops of color. You might surprise yourself!

Challenge: Pick three colors at random (yes, random!), add black and white, and create a series of studies using only those colours. Notice how the limitation actually forces you to get more creative.

Change Your Process

If you normally plan out your work meticulously, try going spontaneous—start with a single line or shape and see where it leads. If you work quickly, slow it down. If you’re a perfectionist, embrace messy experimentation.

Challenge: For your next piece, change one part of how you normally work—timing, planning, or even where you create—and notice what happens.

Of course, if you want to get really adventurous, you could do all three of these at once!

Switching things up isn’t just about art—it’s a mindset. Life, just like creativity, thrives on exploration and discovery. When you let go of what feels predictable, you give yourself space to surprise yourself—and those moments of surprise are where the magic happens.

So, don't just think about this idea - let's commit to shaking things up this week. What’s one thing you’ll commit to trying?


Every artist should do this!


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