How Nick Wilton's CVP Changed My Life

I took Nick Wilton's CVP in 2018 and it was a life-changing experience. I do not use that term lightly - my art completely transformed and so did my life.The change in my art was profound - previously I had the will and the work ethic, but I lacked the knowledge. I painted almost every day, but was rarely happy with the results. If I did make a successful painting, it was hard to say exactly how I had achieved it and I couldn't replicate that success the next time.So painting was both a pleasure and a source of stress. I constantly felt inferior to artists I admired, and I assumed that I just didn't have what it takes.CVP changed all that. I learned what I wanted my art to be about. I figured out how to critique my own work.  I learned how to fix any issues. And most of all, I found my own unique artists's voice.As I gained confidence in my art, that confidence began to spill over - my new comfort with risk-taking moved into every day life. I began to trust my intuition. I began to speak up about what I wanted. And I began to put myself forward for opportunities.In less than a year, I became a full-time artist, started a new art business, and had a solo gallery show. Then in 2019, I co-founded the Art Juice podcast, expanded my online teaching to reach 3,000+ artists, and began construction of my own custom-built art studio.I am now working on the beginning stages of a book and I am also creating a membership site for artists. This sounds crazy even to me! None of it seemed possible to me just a few short years ago - and none of it would have happened if I had not taken CVP.

Is CVP right for you?

Because of the results I experienced, it would be tempting to push everyone into this program. But I don't actually believe it's right for everyone.So in this article, I want to share my perspective on the program - what I loved, what I found challenging, and how it changed my work. It's also my best attempt to help you determine if CVP is for you.

What is CVP?

CVP stands for Creative Visionary Path and it is a 12-week intensive program designed to catalyze a transformation in your art. The course is taught entirely online through videos, livestream coaching calls, and written feedback. Nicholas Wilton teaches the program, aided by a team of coaches, all of whom are professional artists.Each week, you receive new lessons covering technical aspects of art-making such as design, value contrasts, colour and mark-making. But the program goes much deeper than this. The focus is on YOU. YOUR art. YOUR unique voice. What YOU want to say.

This was the game-changer for me

"You have so much talent" I was often told. "I love your work." But I didn't love it. I worked long and hard at my art but it never matched up to the work I wanted to make - the work that lived somewhere in my head, just out of reach.In my heart of hearts, I knew my paintings were derivative. I would see an artist I loved, then immediately start to try and replicate what they did. I didn't want to copy - but I also didn't think I had anything inside me that was interesting or unique - hence my constant search for inspiration outside myself.

CVP showed me that I was wrong

A large part of the CVP program is the time you spend looking inwards to find your interests, your passions, the things that light you up. And - spoiler alert! - that inspiration is often NOT what you think.Once you start to connect with yourself, whole worlds open up. And you realise, as I did, that you DO have a unique voice, you CAN make work that doesn't look like anyone else's. This is SO exciting!

Art as a Practice

CVP also brought discipline to my art-making. Nick speaks about art as a practice, which means showing up regularly and with commitment, and he teaches a process that can completely changed the way you make paintings.

How do you know CVP is right for you?

CVP is for you if you are serious about your art and determined to make it stronger.It's for you if you know there is something inside that you haven't yet been able to express.It's for you if you prefer workshops that are not prescriptive (Nick won't teach you how to paint like he does - he will help you find your own style).And it's for you if you are willing to invest in yourself; not only financially, but with your time and energy. CVP is a comprehensive art program - some have described it as 4 years of art school in 3 months - and you get out of it what you put in. Work hard and trust the process, and you WILL get results - even more than you can imagine at the moment.CVP is probably not for you if you can't invest 3-5 hours a week on learning OR if you like to learn by following exactly what someone else does. This is NOT a course about how to paint like Nick or his team of coaches ... it is a course about how to paint like YOU!

You can read what others have said ...

Nick has collected a huge number of testimonials over the last 5 years and some of them are included on this page (see if you can spot me!)

How much does it cost?

The program is not cheap - but it IS amazing value. It costs $1,997, which is the equivalent of about £1,500 at the time of writing. (There is also a payment plan available if you would like to spread the payments over time).That is a significant investment - but when you consider what you get for that money, you realise it's a bargain.Compared to a regular workshop, which may cost $500 or more and last 2-3 days, CVP lasts for 12 weeks and covers literally all aspects of making a strong painting. There are numerous coaches (all of whom are successful artists), lots of opportunities to ask questions, and tons of video lessons. Best of all, there is a vibrant Facebook group filled with artists from around the world. I found it incredibly empowering to meet so many people who shared my concerns, my passions, and my outlook on life. Many of them have become my friends and it has been so exciting to watch everyone go from strength to strength - some becoming teachers, some securing gallery representation, and some selling successfully online or at art fairs.

In conclusion

I believe in CVP so much that I am paying to do it again in 2020. I want this dedicated time to develop and stretch my work even further.If you're thinking about it, but unsure if it's right for you, please shoot me an email with your questions. It's definitely not for everyone and I am more than happy to give you my honest opinion.IF, you decided CVP is for you, sign up through this link because it will allow you to also join the private Facebook group I am running with my Art Juice co-host Alice Sheridan JUST for the duration of the workshop. Maybe I will see you there!


When You Just Know


How to be an Artist - Jacqui Fehl