How to be an Artist - Jacqui Fehl

Jacqui is a mixed media artist who lives and works in North Carolina. She shows her work in several galleries and also sells online.Jacqui's work is influenced by music, lyrics, feelings, stories, other artists, and the materials themselves. She works both abstractly and figuratively and bounces freely between the two.“If I had to describe my work," she says, "I would say that it is a blend of grunge, whimsy and outsider.”During our chat, we discussed Jacqui's interesting and busy life, how she finds time to make art, the importance of leaping into the unknown, and the transitions she is currently experiencing with her art and her life. She also shared wise advice about the creative process and the importance of being gentle with ourselves.I know you'll enjoy this one!Check out Jacqui's work at or give her some love on Facebook here.


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