How to be an Artist 2 - Karen Stamper

This is the second in a series of video interviews I’m conducting with artists all over the world. (You can see episode one here). I want to understand what makes them tick, how they approach their work and what advice they have for the rest of us.My guest this month is Karen Stamper, who is a UK-based mixed media artist working in paint and paper collage. Karen is a full-time artist whose work can be found in galleries across the UK and in private collections around the world. She is also an avid sketchbooker and runs sketchbook workshops in person and online.We talked about how she became an artist, her transition from pure collage into an increasing love of paint, and how her passion for travel inspires her work. Along the way, we also discussed the role sketching plays in Karen's life, the importance of finding your own voice, and ideas for approaching galleries.You can find information about Karen's in-person workshops and see her beautiful work at can find her fabulous online sketchbook workshop here.Click on the image below to start watching:Next month’s episode will feature Sally Hirst, who has an amazing and inspirational story of what can happen when you step fully into your own style, so stay tuned! If you are an artist interested in meeting and learning from other artists in a supportive environment, come and join our Facebook group by clicking here.


The Muse Needs to Find You Working


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